Литература: 1. Создание VRML-миров. Эд Титтол Клэр Сандерс Чарли Скотт BHV, 1997 2. Язык VRML О.Д. Авраамова Диалог-МИФИ, 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------- Virtual Reality Markup(Modeling) Language VRML 1.0 VRML 2.0 ('97) X3D VRML is a file format for discribing interective Free D(omential) objects and worlds. .wrl VRML is designed to be used on the internet, intranets and local clind(?) systems. VRML is also intendent to be a universal interchange format for integrated free domential graphics. vrmlpad VRML may be used in ..... of applications area such as ingeneering and sinetific visualsisation, multimidia presentation, intertainment(развлечение) and educational projects, web pages and shared virtual worlds. VRML has been designed to fullfill the folowing requrements: - Authorability - enable the development of computer programms, capable of creatind, editind ang maintable files as well as automatic programms convertind 3ds files into vrml. - Compasability - provide the ability to use and combine dinemic free D objects within the vrml worlds.... - Extensibility - provide the ability to add new objects types not explisiply difined in vrml. - Be capable of implementation(представление) - support different syslems(?). - Performance - emphasize scaleble, inrterective perfomance on a wide viraity of computer platforms. - Scalability - enable arbitrarily large dinemic..... ----------------------------------------------------------- web3d.org ----------------------------------------------------------- Coceptual model of VRML browser Prototypes allow the set of vrml node types to be extended bby the user. Prototype definition cab be included in the file in vich they are use Generatior a G has a human or computerizу creator oк vrml file. The browser is represented as presentation application that accepts user input in the forms of file selection and user interface manipulation. Three main parts: Parser, scine graph, and audio/visual presentation The parser component reads the vrml file and create scine graph component. The scine graph component consist the nodes and route graph. The scine graph also includes the execution engeen that processes events, reads and edits the root graph and makes changis to the transform hierarchy. User input generally affects sensers and navigation and thus is wired to the rot graph component (sensers) and the audio/visual presentation component. (navigation). The audio/visual presentation component performs the graphics and audio rendering of the transform hierarchy and feeds back to the user. ------------------------------------------------------------- Comments in vrml #